How to Avoid Costly Printer Repairs: Resetting Your EPSON XP2200 Waste Ink Pad Counter
- 时间:2023-12-14 13:33:13 来源:Xh58y 人气:261
If you own an EPSON XP2200 printer, you may have encountered the "Waste Ink Pad" error message. This error occurs when the printer's waste ink pad is full and needs to be replaced. However, replacing the waste ink pad can be costly and time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a way to reset the waste ink pad counter and avoid costly repairs.
To reset the waste ink pad counter on your EPSON XP2200 printer, follow these steps:
1. Download and install the "WIC Reset Utility" on your computer.
2. Connect your EPSON XP2200 printer to your computer using a USB cable.
3. Open the "WIC Reset Utility" and select your printer model.
4. Click on the "Reset Waste Counters" button.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reset process.
Once the reset process is complete, your EPSON XP2200 printer should be back to normal and the waste ink pad error message should be gone. By resetting the waste ink pad counter, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your printer running smoothly.
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